Week 9
1 Blog Term 2, Week 9
Well, although it has been a long
term we have seen it go by very quickly. It is encouraging to see most children
progress to self-manage and self-regulate their behaviour and develop socially,
emotionally and academically.
The Gradual Release of
Responsibility underpins our daily work.
1 2 3 4
Model Share Guide Apply
I do We do You do You do
You can continue to support our
daily writing by reading nine traditional fairy tales to treasure forever.
Tips for shared reading.
1. Talk about the setting (where is the
story held)
2. Who are the characters?
3. Talk about the problem and solution.
These shared reading experiences
will help your child when they are writing a narrative.
This term we are focusing on
improving sentences. The children are learning to use exciting openers. We are
identifying nouns and verbs and using adjectives and adverbs to make our
writing more interesting. Room 28 has
been working really hard this term and Mrs Bee and I are very excited by the
progress that is being made.
In Numeracy there has been a focus
on mixed addition and subtraction to 40 without regrouping.
To move forward the children need a
solid knowledge of place value.
There are lots of different
activities your child can do using a Hundreds Chart. Your child should be practising
at least one activity each day. Here are some activities your child can do:
1. Count forwards by ones
2. Start counting forward from any
3. Recognise and name numbers when
pointed to randomly
4. Count backwards from 25
5. Identify the number that comes before
a given number (eg. 29 comes before 30)
6. Identify the number that comes after
a given number (eg. 40 comes after 39)
7. Write the number using correct
formation (No reversals)
8. Count in decades (10, 20, 30 etc.)
9. Count by 2’s from 0 to 20
10. Point to a number and have your
child collect that many objects
Around our School
Last Friday, 11th June,
we went on a “Wander out Yonder” to view the work of others on a Door Display.
The children enjoyed this opportunity to learn about towns in Western
Australia. You could consider reading “Are We There Yet?” by Alison Leister as
the family travel around Australia.
We have completed our Science
experiments. We shared these with our Class and Year Level. Please continue to
talk about the science behind everything we do.
Using the Inquiry Learning Approach we
continue to view the things around us. We have set up an experiment to
demonstrate Inquiry Learning. We are doing a Plant Experiment.
Ask your child about Gardening at
Some important events or dates
Year One classes will have completed their assembly items as at the end of Week
10, 28, 30 did their assembly on 21st May based on Minibeasts.
7 and 9 have their assembly later this week on the 18th June, 2021.
The item will cover a ‘Trip Around Australia’ and the special places
Other events
Super Scientist - Final Wednesday
afternoon on 23rd June.
School Photos – 29th and
30th June.
Reports issued – 1st
July, 2021
Semester break – 2nd
July, 2021
Remember to do Daily Typing for
10-15 mins. using Typing Tournament during the holidays.
Term 3: 19th July – 24th
a safe and warm July holiday!
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