Term 2 Update
We are nearly at the end of Term 2. After a very different
start to the year, all the students are now back at school and back in routine.
As some students did miss a lot of school, we have worked hard this term to
both revise concepts learnt last term as well as focusing on new concepts. We
are so proud of how hard everyone has worked. Great job, Room 28!
We hope that everyone has a happy and safe holidays. We
encourage all students to continue to read regularly as this is an essential
skill which needs continued practice to progress.
Room 28 really deserve their holiday this term. Below is the
list of concepts and skills they have been learning.
Identify R-Controlled Vowels
Recognise the first 200 high frequency
words (fast and consistent).
Use adjectives, nouns and verbs correctly in
Identify and list antonyms and synonyms
Spell the first 150 high frequency words.
Write and plan recounts.
Use full stops, capital letters, question marks
and exclamation marks appropriately.
Know and use ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th
Identify odd and even numbers to 20.
Read and understand basic facts to 20 (addition
and subtraction).
Represent and solve simple addition and
subtraction problems to 30 using concrete materials, illustrations, counting
on, counting back and number bonds.
Measure and compare length, capacity, area and
mass of pairs of objects using uniform informal units.
Recognise and classify 2D and 3D shapes using
basic attributes and features.
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