
Showing posts from June, 2020

Term 2 Update

We are nearly at the end of Term 2. After a very different start to the year, all the students are now back at school and back in routine. As some students did miss a lot of school, we have worked hard this term to both revise concepts learnt last term as well as focusing on new concepts. We are so proud of how hard everyone has worked. Great job, Room 28! We hope that everyone has a happy and safe holidays. We encourage all students to continue to read regularly as this is an essential skill which needs continued practice to progress. Room 28 really deserve their holiday this term. Below is the list of concepts and skills they have been learning. English ·        Identify R-Controlled Vowels ·        Recognise the first 200 high frequency words (fast and consistent). ·        Use adjectives, nouns and verbs correctly in sentences. ·        Iden...

Design and Technology Homework

Dear Parents, In class, we have been investigating Light and Sound as part of our Physical Science program. During Week 9 and 10 students will be designing and creating a new decoration for the school garden based on their knowledge and understanding of how light and sound works. The decoration needs to be both a sun catcher and a wind chime.  Students will need to complete the two research pages at home for homework and collect any materials they wish to use for this project. String, glue and sticky tape will be provided but any other materials will need to be brought in from home. They are not to make the decoration, this will be done at school and they will be assessed on their production skills.  Materials and research sheets are due back at school on the 25 th of June. If you complete the task and collect the materials sooner please bring them to class in a clearly labelled bag. Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Physical Science - Term 2

This term our focus for Science is Physical Science. We have been looking at light and sound. We have learnt how our eyes see light and how we can hear different objects. We have done many investigations to see if objects are opaque, translucent or transparent. We have also looked at how light travels.  This week we are making paper cup telephones to test out how vibrations or sound waves travel.  On Friday, we will be bringing home a note about a design and technology project we will be doing in class based on light and sound! It is going to be so much fun! Light and sound from carisheppener