Term 2 Overview
Dear Parents,
First of all, we would like to send out a heartfelt thank you for your support over the past few months. It has been an uncertain time with COVID-19, but your support and willingness to be flexible and understanding has been greatly appreciated! We saw that many of you accessed the Online Learning Packages we sent out and completed these at home. As working parents ourselves, we understand this was probably not an easy task and we are very thankful that you put your child’s learning and education at the forefront of your daily life.
With the above said, we couldn’t be happier to welcome you all back to Term 2! It is so nice to have our class back and to get stuck back into learning.
Below we have outlined the concepts to be covered this term.
- Recount writing using all the components of vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation. We have a particular focus on using the coprrect structure and adding detail to our work.
- Reading comprehension skills and decoding words
- Investigating different areas of grammar such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs
- Spelling a range of new sight words and learning the Year 1 Phonics Sounds
- Continuing to write using Victoria Modern Cursive
- Applying mental math strategies to help solve every day problems
- Understand the language of addition and subtraction
- Facts to 10
- Counting to 200 from any starting point both forwards and backwards
- Know ordinal numbers to 31st
- Identify odd and even numbers
- Skip counting by 10, 2 and 5
- Measuring different lengths and masses of objects
- Reading and interpreting a range of graphs
- Begin to look at telling the time
Science and STEM
- Physical Science
- Planning, making and evaluating a newspaper chair
History and Social Studies HASS
- Past and Present History
- General Knowledge about Australia
- CHAT Program with a focus on resilience this term. The Bounce Back Bear has come to stay in our class for the term. Stay tuned to find out more about him later in the term.
Homework has increased slightly this term with students now bringing home their spelling words each week. Please keep up with the home reading and sight word booklets too.
Once again, thank you for making the transition back to school a smooth one. We look forward to another amazing term. Keep checking in on our class blog for regular updates about what is happening within our class.
Kind regards,
Miss Mills and Mrs Szczepanik
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